Can I Be Tested for an STD at AFC Urgent Care?

If you suspect you may have an STD, you are not alone. STDs are actually incredibly common in the United States, affecting one in five American adults.

Getting tested is incredibly important to catch any issues before they become more serious. Knowing if you are infected can help you prevent the spread to another person as well. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN will treat you with the utmost respect and can help you get to the root of your issue.

Can STDs Spread Easily?

STDs can be incredibly easy to spread because it is common to have one and not know it! Not every STD case comes with symptoms, so you can easily give it to your partner without evening knowing you are doing it. Testing frequently is important to catch any problems to help stop the spread.

Did you know that we test for a variety of common STDs right in our clinic? We can provide a prompt diagnosis and treatment plan, if needed.

Some STD Tests We Offer

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Syphilis
  • Trichomoniasis

Can I Ignore an STD?

You should never just try to ride out the infection on your own. While it may be true that some infections will clear on their own, you run the risk of developing more severe issues later in life like reproductive issues, fertility problems and bladder control issues.

While no one ever really wants to discuss personal things like this with a medical provider, it is our promise that we will treat you with respect and discretion every time. Give us a call to learn about all of the different testing options that we offer.

STD Prevention

  • Get tested between new partners.
  • Use a condom during sexual contact.
  • Clearly communicate with your partner about diagnoses.
  • Get vaccinated for hepatitis A, hepatitis B and HPV.

Are you concerned that you contracted an STD? Come get tested at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN today.