Can I Skip the Flu Shot This Year?

The arrival of the fall season signals the beginning of cold and flu season, and it is more important than ever to get your flu shot this year. While many people only experience mild symptoms from influenza, others can become very sick or be at a higher risk of suffering serious complications.

We want you and your family to stay as healthy as possible this year, and we recommend everyone 6 months or older get vaccinated against the flu. Our AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN team explains the importance of the flu shot below.

Is the Flu Shot the Same as Last Year?

The influenza virus changes and evolves just like any other circulating virus strain. That means that the flu shot changes a bit year to year in order to best battle the most current version of the flu.

It is important to remember that the flu shot cannot give you the flu. The vaccine includes parts of deactivated flu virus that merely stimulates an immune response in your body that will protect you from the real thing later in the season.

Why You Should Get Vaccinated

  • It reduces your risk of death due to the flu.
  • It can reduce the number of days you are sick if you do get the flu.
  • The shot changes each year to tailor to the most common strain that year.
  • The shot helps with herd immunity.

Why Is Herd Immunity Important?

The more that people get vaccinated and develop immunity, the less chance that the flu virus has to spread from person to person. This can significantly slow down outbreaks and the overall prevalence of the flu each season.

Even if you are able to easily overcome the flu, your more vulnerable or high-risk neighbors and loved ones may not be able to. Getting vaccinated lowers their risk of contracting the flu as well. Take care of each other this season and get the flu shot today!

Avoid the Flu

  • Get your annual flu shot.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Avoid others if they are sick.
  • Eat well and drink lots of water.
  • Get adequate sleep.

It’s not too late to get your flu shot this year! Come see us today at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN.