What's the Best Way to Lose Weight?

We’d all love to be beach body-ready, but, unfortunately, it’s hard to stay motivated to do so.

If you’ve been struggling with keeping the weight off during this virus-filled year, read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN offers up some helpful information on how to healthily lose weight.

How Can I Lose Weight?

There are lots of ways to lose weight, but many weight-loss tactics aren’t sustainable. Diets like the keto and paleo yield good results, but it can be difficult to maintain them for very long.

Instead, many health experts recommend making sustainable lifestyle changes to lose weight and stay trim. Things like not snacking before bed, turning off the TV when eating, drinking water with meals instead of sodas and adding more vegetables to your diet are healthy and sustainable ways to shed pounds.

Other Healthy Ways to Lose Weight

  • Limit your intake of refined sugars.
  • Drink unsweetened coffee.
  • Avoid processed and fast foods.
  • Add more protein to your diet.

How Much Exercise Should I Get to Help Me Lose Weight?

The CDC recommends 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise for adults. This may seem like a lot, but the best way to achieve this number is by breaking it up into 30-minute intervals.

If your schedule doesn’t allow for that much exercise, some exercise is better than none. Try to get out and walk after a meal or after work to get your body moving and burn some calories. Exercise is great for weight loss, but it also promotes whole body health.

Other Benefits of Exercise

  • Helps you stay energized
  • Can ease anxiety
  • Improves cardiovascular health
  • Will help you sleep better at night

Monitoring your body and staying healthy is important! If you are unsure how to keep yourself accountable or have experienced health issues due to your lifestyle, visit us at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN. We’d love to help.