Why Do I Bruise So Easily?

Another bruise pops up on your skin, but you don’t remember doing anything or experiencing any pain worth such a mark; why does this happen?

Frequent bruising is more common with old age, and there are few other reasons as to why it could happen. Read on to learn more from our AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN team!

What Exactly Is a Bruise?

A bruise is when the skin becomes discolored, due to a skin or tissue injury. When the skin or tissue is injured to the point where blood vessels underneath are popped, they leak and cause a black, blue, purple, brown or yellow discoloration. There’s no external bleeding unless the skin breaks open.

There are several different types of bruises, and we’ve listed them below.

Types of Bruises

  • Purpura: This is perhaps the most common type of bruise, as it typically involves small bleeding under the skin.
  • Hematoma: Severe bruising that is often caused by trauma, such as a car accident or major fall. A hematoma is a collection of blood outside the blood vessels that causes pain and swelling.
  • Senile purpura: This type of bruising is more common among older adults. As you age, the skin becomes thinner, dryer and more prone to bruising. This condition is known as senile purpura.
  • Black eye: You’ve likely heard or experienced this type of bruising before. A black eye happens when you’ve been hit in the face, and swelling and bruising causes a discolored ring to form around the eye.

Do Some People Bruise Easier Than Others?

Yes, they do. One of the most common reasons for more bruising is age. As you get older, you slowly lose the fatty layer underneath your skin, which causes blood vessels to weaken, thus allowing them to be injured more often. Weakened blood vessels leads to less protection to soften a bump against a table or chair.

We’ve listed a few more reasons you could be experiencing frequent bruising below.

Reasons You May Bruise Easier

  • Medications. Certain medications, like blood thinners, antibiotics and steroids can contribute to your blood not being able to clot as well, which can leave you prone to bruising.
  • Family history. Not only do things like freckles and moles run in the family, but frequent bruising can, too. Plus, women usually have more delicate blood vessels, which can lead to more bruising.
  • Too much sun. Years and years of spending lots of time in the sun without adequate sunscreen protection can weaken the walls of your blood vessels, which can make them vulnerable to damage that leads to bruises.

Whether you have a bruise or a cut, our AFC team can take care of you! Don’t hesitate to visit today.