To say the least, experiencing nausea is no fun. This uneasy, queasy feeling in the stomach can be caused by lots of different things, but thankfully, it’s treatable. Our AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN center highlights what you need to know about and how to effectively treat nausea below, so keep reading! Here’s what to do: Eat or drink ginger. Consuming ginger is one of the most popular, effective ways to treat feelings of nausea. Read on →

Yeast infections, to say the least, aren’t a glamorous topic to talk about. The reality is, however, that yeast infections are very common, as more than 1 million women in the United States will get one each year. Because they’re so common, it’s important to know more about this common infection! Our AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN center provides some helpful information below. What Is a Yeast Infection? A vaginal yeast infection is a fungal infection that causes irritation, discharge and intense itchiness of the vagina and the vulva. Read on →

Bronchitis is no joke. If you get it, you will most likely have a bad cough, lots of mucus and maybe some general cold symptoms like body aches or chills. But what causes this condition? Our AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN team highlights what you should know about this infection below. How Is Bronchitis Caused? There are two types of bronchitis: acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis is typically viral, and it is caused by influenza, the same viruses that cause colds and the flu. Read on →

If you’re sexually active, you should be regularly tested for STDs. Yes, we know it doesn’t sound or feel very glamorous to be regularly tested, but it’s important for your health. Our AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN team provides some further helpful information about STDs below, so read on. What Is An STD in the First Place? Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also known as sexually transmitted infections or STIs, are very common. Read on →

Boils are extremely uncomfortable to experience. They’re painful, and they certainly aren’t pleasant to look at. Luckily, there are ways you can get rid of them at home! Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN explains. Here’s what to do: We know it’s tempting, but don’t squeeze or try to drain a boil yourself. This can lead to a spread of the infection or possibly cause a secondary infection of the boil. Read on →

Whether it was from sneezing too hard, chasing the kids around the yard or in a friendly game of backyard whiffle ball, many of us have felt that sharp pain go up our backs, hamstrings or some other often-used body part. If you’ve experienced this type of pain, you’ve likely pulled a muscle before, but how can you be sure that is what you’re experiencing in the moment? Our AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN team provides some helpful information on muscle strain below, so keep reading! Read on →

Getting bitten by an animal can happen to anybody. Whether it’s the family dog that bites you or a wild animal doing so out of protection, bites hurt and they can certainly be a reason for concern. Should all bites be medically treated, though? Our AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN team answers that question and provides further helpful information below, so keep reading! How Necessary Is Medical Care For a Dog Bite? Read on →

Yes, they are! Strep throat is most common among children between the ages of 5 and 15, but adults aren’t immune from getting the infection. Read on as our AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN team shares some helpful information about strep throat and AFC’s rapid test accuracy below! What Is Strep Throat? According to the CDC, strep throat is an infection in the throat and tonsils caused by bacteria called Group A Streptococcus. Read on →

Camp Fairview and TWU Summer Camps are fun, but no child is immune to getting a rash at some point during these fun summer events. If your child gets a rash, how are you, as the parent, supposed to know if it’s something that will go away after a few days or if it’s a sign of something more serious? Our AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN team has some answers, so keep reading! Read on →

Properly caring for a cut or minor laceration isn’t easy in the moment. In fact, it can be quite intimidating! While most cuts will heal on their own, some will ultimately require stitches to heal properly. Whatever the case may be, it’s important to know how to do basic first aid on your cut to keep it intact and avoid infection. Our AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN team is here to show you the ropes, so read on! Read on →