Generally, X-rays certainly aren’t something that any of us want to get as they can be inconvenient and expensive, but they are one of the greatest tools we have to check up on the well-being of our bodies. If you haven’t had an X-ray before, what should you know about them? Our AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN team provides some helpful info below, so read on! What Are X-Rays? X-rays are a type of radiation called electromagnetic waves that creates pictures of the inside of the body. Read on →

Although UTIs and bladder infections by themselves aren’t generally serious, they can turn into kidney infections, which can cause serious medical complications when not treated promptly. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN shares some more helpful info on kidney infections below, so keep reading! How Do I Know If I Have a Kidney Infection? Kidney infections most often result from an infection in your urinary tract that spreads to one or both kidneys, and the infections can be both sudden and chronic. Read on →

While ear infections are generally more common among children, they can still occur among adults. If you do happen to get one as an adult, they’re typically signs of a greater concern. If you haven’t ever had an ear infection before, how are you supposed to know if you have one? And if you do get one, what’s the best treatment? Our AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN team answers those questions and more below, so read on. Read on →

It’s that time of year again: spring sports are beginning, and that is great news! Whether your child is hitting the field at Westside or City Park Elementary or Athens City Middle, he or she will definitely still need a sports physical before the competition can begin. But, why? Our AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN team explains why sports physicals are necessary below, so read on! What Is a Sports Physical? Read on →

It’s probably safe to say that many of us had strep throat several times when we were growing up. While strep throat is most common among children between the ages of 5 and 15, it can affect children and adults of all ages, and its severity varies from person to person. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN shares some other helpful info on this common bacterial infection. Read on →

You probably know by now that general body and muscle aches are a common symptom of COVID-19, but lately, many have claimed to be experiencing intense back pain due to the virus. So, is severe back pain yet another symptom to watch out for? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN, has some answers, so read on. Is Back Pain a Common Symptom of COVID-19? Back pain due to COVID-19 is grouped in with general muscle aches or pains, which the CDC lists as an official symptom. Read on →

If you get a yeast infection, you’re not alone. Yeast infections are a common condition among women, and they’re very treatable. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN provides some helpful info on this common problem. What they are: A vaginal yeast infection is also known as candidiasis. A healthy vagina contains bacteria and some yeast cells, but when those bacteria and yeast levels change, yeast cells will multiply, thus causing severe itching, swelling and irritation. Read on →

Even with all of our necessary health-safety precautions, the risk of actually getting COVID-19 still hasn’t been totally eliminated. The thought of actually getting the virus can be scary, so what should you do if you do fall ill to it? Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN offers some helpful information. How Serious Is COVID-19? It’s very serious. Even though the CDC has stated that most people who contract the virus can make a full recovery at home, the scariest part about the virus is that symptoms are different for everyone. Read on →

A new season is always an exciting time, but the winter can be really harsh on your skin. As your skin gets drier, the desire to stockpile skin creams becomes greater and greater, but we’d advise you to hold off as there are some natural ways to keep your skin healthy as the weather gets colder. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN sheds some light on how you can properly take care of your skin. Read on →

We are all in desperate need of a little joy this year. The pandemic has been hard on our minds and bodies, and the hope of a new year (finally) feels like it would fix a lot more problems this year than in years past. If you are looking forward to visiting your extended family, we urge you to practice caution. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN is here to help you stay healthy, and we offer some tips for staying connected this winter below. Read on →