Did you know? Surveys have recently shown that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. It’s definitely easy to not drink enough water, but still, 75% of all Americans is an alarming number of dehydrated people. So, is being chronically dehydrated a bad thing? Well, it certainly isn’t good. Read on as AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN provides some answers and explains why it’s important to keep a steady influx of fluids going into your body. Read on →

It’s safe to say that we all know the importance of a healthy heart. The heart is what keeps a body working properly and what keeps us alive. Did you know? About 655,000 Americans die from heart disease each year—that’s one in every four deaths. So, what can we do to keep our hearts healthy and decrease our risk of heart disease? Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN explains. Read on →

We’d all love to be beach body-ready, but, unfortunately, it’s hard to stay motivated to do so. If you’ve been struggling with keeping the weight off during this virus-filled year, read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN offers up some helpful information on how to healthily lose weight. How Can I Lose Weight? There are lots of ways to lose weight, but many weight-loss tactics aren’t sustainable. Read on →

So much better! Reading is a lost art in today’s day and age, so choosing a good book over mindlessly scrolling through your phone can provide many benefits. Don’t believe us? Our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN proves it below. Why Is Looking at My Phone a Bad Thing? It can be hard to not stare at your phone all day with all the applications and types of entertainment available. Read on →

In recent years, yoga has been on the rise as a trendy workout/exercise. People have sworn that it has totally changed the way they feel and has dramatically improved their mood, and we are here to tell you that yes, the rumors are true: Yoga really is all it’s cracked up to be. Why, you ask? Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN provides some reasoning. Read on →

Have you forgotten what it feels like to wake up rested? Waking up feeling sluggish and lethargic seems to happen more often than not these days, so what gives? Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN provides some helpful information regarding the positive effects exercise can have on a good night’s rest. How Does Exercise Help Me Sleep? Exercise and sleep go hand in hand, really. Read on →

Getting a flu shot every year is highly recommended by the CDC, but in 2020, it is even more important than it normally is. The coronavirus is still a large concern for our community, and with the uncertainty regarding how the flu season will coexist with the virus, being as vigilant as possible is key. If you have questions about whether or not to get a flu shot this year and how it can help, your AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN team has all the details. Read on →

Did you know? There are more than 102 million people living in the United States living with high cholesterol. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN wants you to understand the importance of keeping your cholesterol levels within a healthy range, as well as ways to lower your cholesterol levels if they are found to be too high. Is Cholesterol a Danger? No, actually. Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in the body that produces hormones required for digestion. Read on →

Did you know? Diabetes affects 34.2 million people in the United States—more than 10% of the population. More alarming, about 7.3 million people have diabetes that hasn’t been diagnosed. These people are unaware that they have a chronic condition that can grow more dangerous over time. Most people with diabetes have Type 2 diabetes. In Type 2 diabetes, the body doesn’t metabolize sugar properly. As the years pass, high blood sugar can cause organ damage. Read on →

We’re more than halfway through the year now, so it’s a great time to check up on your health goals. How are you doing so far this year? If you haven’t done as well with staying on track as you would have liked, that’s OK. There’s still plenty of time in 2020 to make healthy moves. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN shares some tips! Read on →