Having pets is a great way to enrich your life and improve your mood, but for those who have pet allergies, living with pets can also lead to unique challenges. While we all love our furry friends, living with allergy symptoms every day can be exhausting. Thankfully, there are many ways you can ease your pet allergies so you can all live in peace. To help you learn more, our AFC Urgent Care Athens TN team has compiled some useful tips for easing your symptoms. Read on →

Summer is in full force, meaning that mosquitoes are, too. While there is no reason why toddlers and children should be more susceptible to mosquito bites, it does seem that every time the kiddos play outdoors, they end up covered in them. Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN offers some tips on avoiding those bites. How Can I Keep Kids Safe From Mosquito Bites? Some of the best ways to protect children from mosquito bites involve tweaking your outdoor habits to be less interesting to mosquitoes in the first place. Read on →

For the past few months, we’ve been focusing on our attention as a nation of preventing the spread of COVID-19. For a while, we were basically stuck inside our homes to avoid contact with others. But is the threat gone now? Many people are wondering the same thing, which is why our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN wants to take a few minutes and answer your questions. Read on →

The unofficial start of summer has passed, so we’re headed full force toward warmer weather and outdoor time! Before you head outdoors, though, bone up on some facts about sun safety. Did you know that skin cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosed among Americans? One in five Americans will be diagnosed with some type by age 70, which is why our AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN team wants to share some tips about sun safety. Read on →

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that around 795,000 Americans suffer a stroke each year. Although there are some risk factors you cannot control, including your age and family medical history, there are some things you can do to help reduce your risk of having a stroke. During American Stroke Awareness Month this May, our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN wants to share some insight into what you can do to reduce your risk of experiencing a stroke. Read on →

According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, more than 50 million people living in the United States suffer seasonal allergies. Now that many of the trees and flowers are blooming around us, there is a high chance that you or someone you know is living with seasonal allergies. However, you don’t have to let allergies ruin your season! Our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN, wants to share some ways that you can find relief from seasonal allergies. Read on →

First off, we just want to thank everyone in our community for doing their part to flatten the curve. We all know these last few weeks have been filled with anxiety and stress, especially with not knowing what is going to happen next. However, our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN, wants you to know that we’re here for you! In order to make receiving medical care easier during this time, we are now offering AFC TeleCare services so that you can still get the quality health care you need without having to leave your home. Read on →

To say people are feeling stressed right now is probably an understatement. Many of us are just trying to get our bearings with everything going on. And while there are definitely things that seem out of our control right now, the one thing we can control is how we react to the stress that is placed on our lives. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN, wants to share some insight into stress and the effects it can have on your health. Read on →

This year in the United States, around 140,000 new cases of colorectal cancer will be diagnosed. It is the third most common type of cancer among Americans—and also the third most common cause of cancer death. During National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month this March, our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN wants to help you learn more about colorectal cancer, including how to prevent it. Read on as we share some insight into the topic. Read on →

During National Nutrition Month this March, our team at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN wants you to learn exactly what a healthy diet is, as well as what foods you should be incorporating into your diet on a daily basis. What Is the Point of Following a Healthy Diet? Not only does following a healthy diet allow you to maintain a healthy weight, but it can also help you to improve your mood and energy levels! Read on →