What Causes Falls at Home?

It is normal to experience all kinds of changes to your body as you age. While getting older is certainly a blessing, it can bring about challenges that you didn’t expect, including at-home falls.

Falling or tripping when you were younger was often not a big deal and you would hop back up with maybe a bruise. When you are older, though, that same fall could lead to a serious injury like a broken bone or a head injury.

Our AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN team wants you to stay healthy and on your feet as much as possible, so we offer some tips to prevent falls at your home below.

Is Exercise Helpful to Prevent Falls?

It sure is! It is common to lose muscle mass as you age, and that alone can make it easier to fall or lose your balance. Regular exercise builds that muscle mass back up and can help you navigate your days more confidently. Even low-impact exercises like daily walks, swimming and chair yoga can all be beneficial.

You should also choose your shoes wisely. A sturdy pair of tennis shoes or other structured shoes can help walk with confidence. Sandals and slides can easily slip off or catch the edge of a rug and cause you to trip, so skip those while you are at home and stick to a reliable pair of shoes instead.

Things to Do at Home to Prevent Falling

  • Have any broken or twisted exterior steps fixed right away.
  • Keep your lawn tidy and roll up hoses after every use.
  • Turn your porch light on before leaving in the evening.
  • Don’t travel when it is icy, or walk slowly and cautiously if you must.

Why Is Clutter a Falling Hazard?

One of the biggest reasons for falls is due to clutter around the home. Books, shoes, knick knacks or anything else left on the ground can easily be a tripping hazard. Keep walkways clear, and put things away when you are done using them. You should also consider removing any rugs from your home or taping down the edges to keep them from curling.

Another helpful way to stay on your feet is to use light to your advantage. Dark rooms can easily conceal clutter on the ground or furniture that you weren’t expecting to be in your way. Turn on lights as you enter rooms and open curtains during the day. You should also have a bedside lamp on your nightstand to help light your way during midnight bathroom or snack runs.

Personal Tips to Reduce Your Risk of Falling

  • Use handrails when walking down steps.
  • Install non-slip treads for your bathroom tub or shower.
  • Invest in a raised toilet seat or grab bars.
  • Move slowly and always be aware of your surroundings.

If a fall has left you injured, we are here for you. Come see us at AFC Urgent Care Athens, TN.